Friday, May 16, 2014

Just a diary (Ⅵ)

15 May 2014
Emotional day. I wonder how a mother teaches her children, since a baby, till  he/she know how to speak, crawl, stand, walk, as a boy/girl. I've been taught that education is a important method to one's future. Family education is the one that leads to everything. Children act like what their parents do, they learn what they see, because they think it's right, no doubt, that's children.

Let's see, how I become emotional today.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


  1. 当别人骂你好狗不挡道时,你应该回答,好驴不乱叫
  2. 当别人骂你:装B、傻B、B脸、贱、不要脸、这时你应该要回答,我贱是因为看见你了,我不要脸是因为对着你不需要脸
  3. 当别人骂你变态时,你应该回,变态总比变性好,你个人妖加贱人
  4. 当别人骂你骚时,应该回答,其实大家都是自来水、你又何必装成纯净水呢!!一般骚的人都不会说自己骚的、因为他怕被人识破、所以才会说别人骚!
  5. 当别人骂你丑时,你应该回答,我乐意长得丑,关你屁事,嫌丑别看我啊,我又没逼你看我!
  6. 当别人骂你是狗猪之类的,你应该说“别把自己名字挂在嘴边上,我们都已经知道那是你了。”
  7. 当别人骂你是废物时,你应该说 “你还不如我!”
  8. 当跟人吵架,被人生攻击说“你又胖又丑”时你应该回答,跟我到非洲去,看看究竟是谁丑(非洲以胖为美)
  9. 当别人说你娘娘腔的时候(只适合男生回答),少来,我又不是你妈
  10. 当别人骂你有毛病时,应该回答,看看吧...和你在一起那么一会就染上这病了